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Sweet & Dreamy: Our Pastels Bouquet


Brighten someone's day with our lovely Pastels Bouquet! This pretty mix of soft-hued flowers is perfect for saying "I care" or adding a pop of gentle color to any room.


This charming bouquet includes: delphiniums, roses, gerbera daisies, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums, carnations, freesia, stock flowers, and lily buds.


A favorite for any occasion, this soothing blend of pastels brings a breath of fresh air and a smile to everyone who sees it.


Make It Your Own:

Size: Pick the bouquet size that fits your style

Wrapping: Go for our "Vase Box" (+$15) or let our florists wrap it up beautifully


*Specific accent blooms will vary.


PriceFrom $70.00

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